DUE DILIGENCE – CS3D: new requirements for companies

On May 24th, after a long and turbulent journey, the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive was finally adopted. This text has to be transposed into French law no later than 26 July 2026. Its purpose is to foster sustainable, responsible corporate behaviour, and firmly establish human rights and environmental considerations in corporate governance throughout the […]

A special Franco-Swedish relationship serving European cooperation

In a world that has become tense and uncertain with the weakening of the United States of America (USA) and the rise of the BRICS, France and above all the European Union now have an opportunity to strengthen their geopolitical position. And with the European Parliamentary elections in June 2024, the topic of European cooperation will be central to discussions this year. Lastly, with France and Germany constantly divorcing and never seeming to remarry, it would be strategic for France to diversify its partnerships within the Union, and Sweden appears the ideal candidate. 

The Future of Sport: Needs and Ideas of International Youth for Use by Policymakers

With the Rugby World Cup 2023 and the Paris 2024 Olympic Games just around the corner, sport is a daily feature in the media, in political and economy columns, and in conversations with family and friends. Everyone agrees on the importance of promoting sport for all and on the benefits of sport for young people, particularly in terms of improving health, developing autonomy, improving employability, and teaching values. But what do we know about what the younger generation think of it? After all, they are the ones who are going to be discovering it and participating in it (or not). This is a complex subject, as sport is so multidimensional and multifaceted. In this context, and in keeping with the general aims of SKEMA Publika, we wished to conduct a comprehensive study focusing on sport, so as to identify, based on the expectations expressed by the young people of a number of countries, the major evolutions which are likely but also necessary over a ten-year period, while taking into account the national and international policies currently in place, then put forward some recommendations for national and international policy-makers. To do this, we listened to online discussions on Twitter and analysed 7.6 million tweets posted by 670,000 young people aged 18 to 24. We also conducted interviews and surveys with 100 students of 18 different nationalities, with different sports levels.

Artificial Intelligence: a Political Subject

Paving the way for innovations that were once out of reach, artificial intelligence (AI) is expected to be a general-purpose technology, just like the steam engine, electricity and electronics in past industrial revolutions. In the space of just a few years, AI has extended into sectors as diverse as transport, telecommunications, healthcare, education, justice and safety. In a field involving such colossal investment costs, French and European decision makers must have a detailed understanding of the comparative advantages enjoyed by their own country and its competitors in AI-related fields in order to target specific investments that will allow them to make the necessary quantitative effort to expand their market share in key sectors.

EYES REPORT : Thoughts of International Youths

Introduction The EYES or Emergy Youth Early Signs report sets out to capture the early stages of opinions and thoughts forming in international youths on five social issues initially prioritized by young people themselves : traditional media and the press, social media, security, new technologies and the world of work. Taking a global comparative approach, […]