Contributions in the collection UNCERTAINTIES - Influences, Geopolitics, Digital, Risks

[Video] Higher education in the age of AI

Context Artificial Intelligence (AI) is today broadening and deepening its impact on all aspects of life, and as a result, a real challenge is arising in our societies. It is about the societal impacts and dependences that will result from this growing influence of AI. We address these issues in the SKEMA publika report, The […]


Why this study? The term “digital transition” is synonymous with a significant increase in digital devices, today artificial intelligence is broadening and deepening its impact on all aspects of life. The digital transition is a historic process of changeover to the Internet that began at the end of the 20ᵉ century. Today, digital technologies can […]

Populism: the symptom of a democracy in crisis?

Sean Scull, Project Manager at SKEMA Publika, has just published a book on populism entitled Le Populisme : Symptôme d’une crise de la démocratie – Comment le néolibéralisme a triomphé en France et en Suède [Populism: the symptom of a crisis in democracy – How neoliberalism has triumphed in France and Sweden], through Editions l’Harmattan. […]

[Videos] The influence of consulting firms on the State

Maroun Eddé, Essayist and specialist in political philosophy is SKEMA Publika’s guest to discuss the influence of consulting firms on the State. These videos follow on from his keynote at SKEMA Publika’s conference of March 28th, 2024, entitled “What influence do consulting firms have on public policy?”. What influence do consulting firms have on the […]

PIIGS from one crisis to another: dependency, endurance and influence

To shed light on the dynamics that are currently redefining the planet’s geopolitical landscape, this tripartite study undertakes to analyse the operation of the BRICS+ and PIIGS groups of countries, their heterogenous make-up and their importance in international relations, while comparing them to devoted multilateral structures. Following an initial consideration of BRICS+, this second part will be dedicated to PIIGS. After recalling the origins of the group, it will explore the economic and political challenges faced by these countries, focusing in particular on the issues linked to the stability and operation of the EU. We will illustrate our point using some of the measures obtained recently by this group from the Institution (for example, the post-COVID European recovery policy).

From BRIC to BRICS+ : how to go from a simple acronym to a partnership capable of overthrowing the world order in 25 years

To shed light on the dynamics that are currently redefining the planet’s geopolitical landscape, this tripartite study undertakes to analyse the operation of the BRICS+ and PIIGS groups of countries, their heterogenous make-up and their importance in international relations, while comparing them to devoted multilateral structures. In this first part, we will look at the origins of BRICS and their evolution to BRICS+, before discussing their goals for 2024. The new dimension of this partnership, in economic, demographic and military terms, will thus be highlighted, in particular thanks to a discussion of the recent measures aiming to strengthen its global influence.

[Event] Francophonie and influence, now and tomorrow

History shows that there exists an intricate link between influence, power and language. Today, the number of French speakers worldwide is growing: from 321 million in 2022, the most optimistic forecasts estimate that this figure will reach 600 million by 2050. Nevertheless, the French-speaking world (Francophonie) has recently suffered a series of setbacks on the international stage, such as the sudden end to the teaching of French programmes in Algerian public schools. It is therefore important to ask whether, in the future, in areas as varied as politics, the economy, culture, education and sport, Francophonie will continue to be a vector of influence, especially for France, or whether it now calls for a fresh impetus.

A special Franco-Swedish relationship serving European cooperation

In a world that has become tense and uncertain with the weakening of the United States of America (USA) and the rise of the BRICS, France and above all the European Union now have an opportunity to strengthen their geopolitical position. And with the European Parliamentary elections in June 2024, the topic of European cooperation will be central to discussions this year. Lastly, with France and Germany constantly divorcing and never seeming to remarry, it would be strategic for France to diversify its partnerships within the Union, and Sweden appears the ideal candidate.