Contributions and publications on the subject Sport

Qatar’s Hosting of the FIFA Men’s World Cup: the Issues and Challenges Ahead

by Simon Chadwick | The report examines the background to Qatar’s hosting of the men’s World Cup, the country’s preparedness to host the tournament, the event’s management, and the legacies. To conclude, the report highlights areas in which there could be issues for Qatari and FIFA World Cup organisers to contend with, at perhaps one of the biggest, but certainly one of the most controversial, sport mega-events ever staged.

Saints, Symbols and Soccer – What’s Acceptable and Who Decides?

The last 30 years have been characterised by unprecedented changes, amongst them globalisation and digitalisation. In sports, this means that international competitions are increasingly held in countries that hitherto haven’t played hosts, which brings unfamiliar values, norms, and conventions to their staging. In these circumstances, seemingly innocent symbols and signs can become ideologically, politically and socio-culturally charged, challenging many of us either to confront what offends us or to modify our views of what we think is acceptable.