Contributions and publications on the subject Artificial intelligence

[Video] Higher education in the age of AI

Context Artificial Intelligence (AI) is today broadening and deepening its impact on all aspects of life, and as a result, a real challenge is arising in our societies. It is about the societal impacts and dependences that will result from this growing influence of AI. We address these issues in the SKEMA publika report, The […]


Why this study? The term “digital transition” is synonymous with a significant increase in digital devices, today artificial intelligence is broadening and deepening its impact on all aspects of life. The digital transition is a historic process of changeover to the Internet that began at the end of the 20ᵉ century. Today, digital technologies can […]

Guidelines for the ethical use of AI in business

When a company or an organisation designs or uses artificial intelligence (AI), it has a duty to question how it can develop this technology in a responsible manner, without raising any ethical issues. It falls to both AI designers and the leaders who will use this technology for their company’s activities to establish conscientious practices that follow a series of fundamental guidelines. So, what are those guidelines? An opinion by Diane de Saint-Affrique.

The world of work in transition for youth worldwide

SKEMA Publika’s EYES report on the thoughts of international youths highlighted a distrust of the corporate world and a series of concerns shared around the world. In light of this, we wanted to go further in our exploration of young people’s relationship to work. This multi-faceted analysis stems from the reflections of a working group, combined with expert interviews and a literature review. The study highlights the fundamental aspirations shared by youths around the world. Its results suggest that young people’s demands are the expression of latent social dissatisfactions shared with the rest of the population, which public and private decision-makers have failed to address. In short, the “social contract of work” is widely perceived as deteriorated. Thankfully, solutions seem to be within reach: greater participation in decision-making processes, decent working conditions, exemplarity, etc. In spite of the ongoing radical societal changes, the main risk for young people aged 15-29 remains job insecurity. Far from reducing the degree of uncertainty faced by younger generations, the emergence of the green economy and the digitalisation and automation of employments may be fostering greater insecurity. What can we do? Anticipate and think long-term.

Human Dignity and Neurorights in the Digital Age

by Edgar Gastón Jacobs and Marina de Castro Firmo Some time ago, the expectation of mind invasion or manipulation of people by technological devices was only seen in movies and science fiction books. Examples included erasing people's memories in Men in Black, modifying the behavior of criminals in Clockwork Orange, and arresting people who are about to commit a crime in Minority Report, all of which entertained and invited people to reflect on the future. Today, the massive flow of data and advances in science, particularly in neurotechnologies and artificial intelligence, have made these concepts an emerging field that requires further study and regulation by the legal community. Advanced technologies, such as brain-machine interfaces, wearable and implantable devices, and advanced algorithms, have made neurolaw an increasingly important field.

Artificial Intelligence and Algorithms: Ethics and Fair Cooperation between AI and Human Intelligence

by Claude Revel & David Fayon | With the recent buzz surrounding generative artificial intelligence since the launch of ChatGPT, it has been impossible to escape this tsunami which is likely to disrupt a whole range of human activities for blue-collar workers, but also for white-collar workers who had so far been spared from automation and robotics. The questions that arise are whether algorithms are ethical, depending on how they are trained and reinforced, the data sets they use, their possible biases and whether or not they are inclusive. It is also important to question the role of humans. Does big data require the systematic use of AI, or is human processing sufficient and/or preferable?

[Video] Jean-Philippe Courtois: digital innovation as a lever for corporate sustainability

In this video, Jean-Philippe Courtois, Executive Vice President and President of National Transformation Partnerships at Microsoft and President of SKEMA Business School and Claude Revel, Director of the think tank SKEMA Publika discuss corporate sustainability in light of the new EU non-financial reporting directive. They also discuss how innovative digital tools, using AI and Cloud technologies can help companies measure their ESG impact, and best meet the demands of legislators.

Does AI Challenge the Competitive Strategies of the Public and Private Sectors?

by Claude REVEL | Between companies but also between States, harnessing AI has become an economic, political, and even a geopolitical power game. Public and private competitive strategies are challenged by AI at all levels. And yet, to date, the omnipresence of AI does not seem to have been questioned by private and public decision makers. What promises does this instrument hold for the common and individual good? Is its extension to areas that are more sensitive for humans, such as decision making, advisable?

Artificial Intelligence: a Political Subject

Paving the way for innovations that were once out of reach, artificial intelligence (AI) is expected to be a general-purpose technology, just like the steam engine, electricity and electronics in past industrial revolutions. In the space of just a few years, AI has extended into sectors as diverse as transport, telecommunications, healthcare, education, justice and safety. In a field involving such colossal investment costs, French and European decision makers must have a detailed understanding of the comparative advantages enjoyed by their own country and its competitors in AI-related fields in order to target specific investments that will allow them to make the necessary quantitative effort to expand their market share in key sectors.