Raluca Sandu, Associate Dean of Faculty and Professor of Finance and Accounting at SKEMA Business School, is the guest of SKEMA Publika to discuss the risks involved in governments’ move towards New Public Management.
- “New public management” – beyond the virtues…risks and points of vigilance – 0min15
- “New Public Management – is it new? – 0min40
- The Western countries – the quest for efficiency – 1min22
- Post-communist European countries – supporting the (re)birth of democracies – 2min35
- Some paradoxes…and points to watch out for – 3min36
The interview is available below:
To go further:
- Supiot, A., 2020, La gouvernance par les nombres, Edition Pluriel // Supiot, A. Governance by Numbers: The Making of a Legal Model of Allegiance (Oxford/Portland OR, Bloomsbury Publishing, 2017)
- Supiot, A. (2022). From subordination to programming: The deadlocks of labour governance by numbers: Keynote address at the Tenth Accounting History International Conference. Accounting History, 27(2), 194-199 – dans le numéro spécial Bensadon, D., Sandu, R., & Zimnovitch, H. (2022). Accounting and work in historical perspective. Accounting History, 27(2), 188-193.
- The Research-Practice Gap on Accounting in the Public Services: An International Analysis | SpringerLink (Sandu, R. contributeur au chapitre sur la France)
Associate Dean of Faculty, SKEMA Business School