In 2024, France hosted the Paris Olympic Games. These Summer Games were the first to be held in 100 years, the last having been held in 1924. France has a unique place in the history of the Olympics, as the renovator of the modern Olympic Games in 1894 was Pierre de Coubertin. He relaunched the modern games, founded and presided over the International Olympic Committee and relaunched the philosophy of Olympism.
Ivan Coste-Manière, professor at SKEMA Business School and director of the MSc in Luxury & Fashion Management is SKEMA Publika’s guest to discuss the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games. More specifically, he is answering our questions: What is the Olympic spirit? What made the Olympic spirit of the 2024 Games so special? What are the lessons for the future? This video follows his speech at the SKEMA Publika and France Sport Expertise conference, “The Future of Sport, New Sources of Wealth – National and International Outlooks”.