This event is the first in our cycle of meetings “At the heart of influence”.
In a fragmented world, law-based influencing strategies are diversifying and contributing to the power of competing players. This has led law to become a playing field, where we see sparring between one state and another, and between states and other private- and public-sector entities. Multipolarisation, globalisation, interdependence and the rise of digital technologies have changed the forms of influence at work, and consequently the strategies adopted by the various players (states, businesses, NGOs, etc.).
As the first event in our “At the heart of influence” cycle of meetings, the “Law and power. Rules and norms at the heart of influence” round table aims to provide tools for identifying the challenges and offer avenues for moving forward.
Speakers (in order of appearance):
- Frédéric Munier, director of the School of Geopolitics at SKEMA Business School, holder of the French “agrégation” in history.
- Noëlle Lenoir, lawyer, former minister of European Affairs
- Claude Revel, director of development at SKEMA PUBLIKA, former interministerial delegate for economic intelligence
The debate was moderated by Stéphane Marchand, editor in chief of Pour l’Éco.

The contributions presented perspectives on new forms of power in a changing world. In this context, rules and norms are vectors and objects of influence, used by the players to sway their competitors. Influence strategies take various different forms and can be difficult to detect.
Exchanges with the audience contributed information on current practice and underlined the benefits of common action.
A detailed summary is available to download.