Higher education in a globalised world: between standards and influences, what training is needed for future managers?


This event is part of our cycle of meetings “At the heart of influence”.

In a globalised world undergoing major changes, influences in higher education are at the heart of the challenges ahead. They will have a significant impact on shaping the minds of future managers. In this context, higher education is more vital than ever in meeting the challenges of the future (climate change, sovereignty and influence, technological advances, global trade, etc.). Future managers must be well trained if they are to implement appropriate solutions.

Thus, for our second discussion in the “At the Heart of Influences” conference series, our chosen theme was “Higher education in a globalised world: between standards and influences, what training is needed for future managers?”.

The speakers (in order of appearance):

Ms. Claude REVEL, Director of Development at SKEMA Publika, moderated the discussions.