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News from our contributors and partners

March 11th, 2024 Author and expert in the geopolitics of sport, Jean-Baptiste Guégan is a lecturer, journalist and regular contributor to SKEMA Publika. Together with Clément Pernia, he has just published Révolution Mbappé. In this book, the authors analyse the impact of the Mbappé phenomenon on the world of football and on society in general. […]

Discover Youth Talks!

Youth Talks is a massive global youth consultation initiated by the Higher Education for Good Foundation. Drawing on a community of more than 40 international partners, this unprecedented initiative is designed to give a voice to young people to understand their expectations for tomorrow’s society. Conducted on an ongoing basis, the Youth Talks consultation will […]

The PUBLIKA ambition

by Claude Revel, Director of Development SKEMA Publika is now six months old. We continue more than ever in the chosen direction. This direction arose out of the following observation: we live in a world of large-scale and rapid transitions and transformations. Irrespective of the country we live in, not a single issue to be […]

International Media Coverage of SKEMA Publika

They are talking about us: LE SPORT DEMAIN : QUELLES POLITIQUES NATIONALES ET INTERNATIONALES ? SKEMA Publika (07/06/2024) Grâce aux JO de Paris 2024, raviver la flamme du bénévolat, Ivan Coste-Manière (03/06/2024) Rachat de clubs par des fonds d’investissement : “Le sport devient un pur marché”, Claude Revel (21/05/2024) “Comment garantir l’éthique de l’humain qui copilote […]

OIFD: International Observatory on Sustainable Finance

Founded in 2012, the International Observatory on Sustainable Finance (OIFD) is part of SKEMA Business School and aims to: Upcoming events Past events A multidisciplinary team in sustainable finance OIFD, partner of SKEMA Publika The objective of this partnership is to influence decision-makers and to participate in public debates on sustainable finance. It has three […]