This conference is the fourth in our series of meetings “At the heart of influence“.
“Deep state” or fantasy? Described as a “tentacular phenomenon” by the French Senate’s committee of enquiry in its March 2022 report, the influence of private consulting firms on the elaboration of public policy has led the French National Assembly to adopt a bill to regulate the involvement of this type of organisations on February 1st, 2024 . The French Government moreover created an internal consulting agency on March 26th, 2024. This raises a series of questions: is systematically asking consultancies for help an efficient use of public money? Is it absolutely necessary? Is there a genuine political will to regulate this practice? What limits should be imposed? We take stock.
Speakers included (in order of appearance):
- Yves Morieux, Senior Advisor for the Boston Consulting Group (BCG), former Managing Director and Senior PArtner, author of Smart Simplicity;
- Caroline Michel-Aguirre, Senior Reporter for the Nouvel Obs, co-author of Les Infiltrés. Comment les cabinets de conseil ont pris le contrôle de l’État;
- Éliane Assassi, Honorary Senator and Rapporteur for the French Senate’s commission of enquiry into the growing influence of private consultancies on public policy;
Moderated by Claude Revel, Director of SKEMA Publika.