Philippe Chereau
Professor of strategy and entrepreneurship
Philippe Chéreau is a professor of strategy and entrepreneurship at SKEMA and director of SKEMA VENTURES. He holds a PhD in management science from Aix-Marseille University, a PhD in management science from SKEMA and a Master in management from EDHEC. He is specialized in strategic management and growth of innovative companies. He founded several companies in the life sciences sector and has held positions in sales management, general management and strategy and development consulting in industry and services. His research work focuses on managerial contributions to guide decision makers in the effective implementation of strategy, business model and innovation choices. He regularly assists innovative SMEs in development consulting missions. He is also involved in executive training programs on topics related to strategic renewal through innovation. He is the co-author of several case studies, including the best European case EFMD 2016, and various academic articles on strategic innovation management and entrepreneurial training. He is the co-author with Pierre-Xavier Meschi of the book Le Conseil Stratégique pour l'Entreprise labeled by the FNEGE and published in 2014 by Pearson, of Strategic Consulting: Tools and Methods for Successful Strategy Missions published in 2018 by Palgrave Macmillan and of Le conseil en Stratégie. Missions, Méthodes et Livrables, published in 2019 by Vuibert.