Maroun Eddé
Essayist and specialist in political philosophy
Philosopher and essayist, Maroun Eddé is a specialist in political philosophy. A graduate of ENS Ulm and HEC Paris, he has worked both in government at ministerial level and in the private sector, such as in investment banking. He focused his research on the effects of New Public Management in France by conducting a two-year investigation at the heart of the State to publish his book “La destruction de l'État (2023)”. In this book, he analyzes the dismantling of the French administration, industrial fabric and public services over the past thirty years, to answer the following questions: why are we paying higher prices for services of poorer quality? how has the State lost its capacity for action, and to whose benefit? how can we explain bureaucratic and legislative inflation? and, above all, how can we get out of it?